Stefanie Bühler models a perfect stone. She has developed a formula for a material that allows her to produce a very light yet stable, biodegradable form that also meets her aesthetic demands and allows her to imitate nature in deceptively real-looking ways. The ash capsule is virtually disguised by this natural, as well as artificial, form.
At the center of Stefanie Bühler's artistic exploration is nature. She creates fantastic, artificial landscapes, interprets natural phenomena in her own way and thus questions our relationship to the supposedly natural environment. She shapes her objects with sophisticated combinations of materials. Her inexhaustible research interest guides her work and is the foundation for her reconstructions of evolutionary processes: how do mountains come into existence and what must be done to make wire, cellulose flakes and paint look like them?
Stefanie Bühler lives in Berlin. She studied sculpture at the HfBK Dresden and was a master student of Martin Honert. Before her studies, she worked as an assistant in the field of set design for opera productions. She has been awarded with various prizes and scholarships for her artistic work.
Material: cellulose flakes, color pigments, wax, cotton rope
Dimensions: 32cm long x 23cm wide, 23cm high
Weight: 700g, lowering rope 300g
Degradability: within 20 years
> Available here